Unwind in your own ‘woman cave’

Sep 23, 2013
More than 80 years ago, writer Virginia Woolf penned the essay, “A Room of One’s Own,” about how women, especially those who want to practice a form of creativity, need a place to do it.
With the recent explosion in handmade crafts and scrapbooking, spurred on by websites such as Pinterest, many women are finding Woolf’s words truer than ever.
Today, the woman caves, mum caves or diva dens, as they are sometimes called, are growing in popularity. While men have long been creating the ‘man cave’, women are now reclaiming part of the house as their own. In fact, so popular is the trend that last year a US cable channel ran the first series of ‘Mom caves’ in which home renovators help mothers create an ideal room.
New York designer Elaine Griffin embraces the woman cave concept and recently partnered with retailer, Homegoods, to launch the first official ‘Home of the Mom Cave’ website with practical advice on how to create your dream space.
“A Mom Cave is where the woman who nurtures everyone goes to nurture herself,” Griffin says.
“It’s different from the quintessential “man cave,” where men do manly, messy and sporty things, often involving a recliner. Mom Caves are fun, frankly feminine spaces and they’re personalised.”
Although an individual space, Griffin believes all woman caves should include a place to sit, a place to store your treasured things, a place to do the things you love like reading, sewing and scrapbooking, and a place to entertain your friends. Griffin also adds that mother-guilt, children and laundry should all be left at the door.
Susie Lilly Ott, a former editor of Working Mother magazine and ‘Home of the Mom Cave’ contributor, says the perfect woman cave doesn’t need a lot of space; a cozy Cave makes the spot all the more intimate.
“What you really need are a few places to sit and a couple of surfaces for snacks and drinks. These can be just about anything footstools, large pillows or even storage benches,” says Ott.
“Make the room even more inviting by including lots of high-touch textures, including velvet pillows for leaning back on and soft throws for cuddling up with. Create ambiance with scented candles, relaxing music and soft lighting.”
Remember, Containaway can help you create the space for a woman cave in your home by storing your unwanted items. We deliver our mobile self storage containers to your home and can even pack it for you on request.
Don’t just dream of your own space, let Containaway help you find it.
For inspiration, check out these websites:
Pinterest – use the words mom cave or woman’s cave to find inspiration
Houzz – http://www.houzz.com/mom-cave